I wasn't quite sure when to bring this up, but I figured sooner is better for the purposes of this blog. This is not the first time that Amanda and I have received a positive pregnancy test result. In January 2010 we were stunned by a positive test result and were left wondering if we were ready for what was ahead. Amanda was quite hysterical and I have to admit I was a bit unsure of things. The night we found out we sat there on the couch as she cried on my shoulder and tried to assure her that things would be okay. Two weeks later we found ourselves in the exact same position, but for very different reasons.
When you're not expecting something like news of a new baby, it can be quite alarming. To be honest, though, up to that point we'd been "casually careless" in the bedroom. Regardless, we weren't really sure what to do or what to think. Perhaps it's the permanance associated with pregnancy, but it doesn't take long to come to grips with the changes that are coming. Within a few days of finding out, both of us were resigned to what was happening and excitement started to replace the initial feeling of terror. Amanda synced up with a doctor, sampled a few non-alcoholic beers and we braced ourselves for the coming months.
The timing of all this was a little odd, as Amanda's parents were expected in town within a week of us finding out. We knew that they would be suspicious of Amanda not partaking in any alcoholic beverages, so the question became, do we tell them or do we simply go about things and let them think whatever they want. They were coming from San Diego, so it was hard to think about letting the opportunity to tell them in person slip by, since we weren't sure when we'd see them again. We decided to go ahead and spread the news to the entire family, knowing that at only about 6 or 7 weeks things were still very early. Needless to say, all family members were surprised and excited. We even told a few friends. Less than two weeks into finding out and our comfort factor with everything had really started to steamroll.
There are obviously many side effects associated with a pregnancy. One of them being "spotting", which is a small amount of visible bleeding. I guess spotting is a term used as a calming effect to emphasize the non-critical nature of it. There's certainly a gray area when determining an acceptable amount of spotting, and on one particular Tuesday morning Amanda felt as though this line was crossed. She called me concerned about serious stomach cramping and a lot of blood in the toilet. She was able to set up a doctor's appointment for that same day and I dropped what I was doing to meet her there.
The next few hours were a bit of a blur. After a stop into the doctor we were routed over to another office to have a sonogram done to determine if we were still pregnant. I like to think I'm a glass half-full kind of person when it comes to certain situations, but in this case I have to admit that my glass was half-empty, and my heart was fully broken at the thought of how Amanda was going to react if things didn't come out in our favor.
Sitting in the sonogram room, the one thing I remember is how dark it was in that room save for the glow from the monitor. The nurse took some general information and based on that spit out an expected due date of September 11. News which certainly didn't help with the eerie nature of our business there. After a few minutes of searching for anything resembling a baby, our nurse excused herself, saying she needed to speak with the doctor. My glass was fully empty at this point.
Holding back tears, Amanda looked at me and asked, "Do you think it's going to be okay?" I'm sure I replied with something like "Everything is going to be fine", but all I could think about was how much this would crush my wife's heart. We were barely two weeks into the pregnancy, but Amanda was fully invested. We'd told our family, bought all of the books we needed to educate ourselves, heck Amanda had even started keeping a journal in which she would write notes to our expected child. We'd come to grips with what was coming into our lives and couldn't have been more excited. But it just wasn't our time yet.
We were asked to leave the sonogram room and were escorted into a much smaller room, which as far as I could tell was a waiting room that also acted as a patient exit room. When the doctor came in she started talking and I think I blacked out. Her tone immediately confirmed the bad news we were hoping to avoid. The pain on Amanda's face is something I'll never forget. When the doctor left the room we remained there for a few minutes to try and absorb what the hell just happened. I mean, what do you say? There was just silence.
We took the rest of the day off to be with each other and try to begin to come to grips with things. The next few days and weeks were quite difficult. We had to call our family and let them know what had happened, boxed up our baby books, and tried to move foward.
If there was one good thing that came from this, it's that those two weeks revealed to us that we are ready to start a family. It would be months before we would start trying again, but we did and here we are. Scared to death of the possibilities. Excited for what is to come.
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